There are numerous reasons for investing in a motorcycle. Some people buy one for use in rallies, going for long cross-country treks or simply because owning a bike is considered prestigious, and they like feeling the wind in their face when traveling. The tricky part for most motorcycle owners is transporting the bike. While most of them understand that hiring a professional bike service is important, finding a company guaranteeing that your valued asset will be delivered in the same condition is not easy.
If you are contemplating shipping a motorcycle, you will probably want to get the best available deal. Some important factors for consideration include:
Is the Vehicle Transport Service Specialized?
Using a specialized transport service will guarantee security for your bike because their trucks are specifically designed for holding motorcycles. They also have the special tie-down equipment to reduce movement during travel. Moreover, companies that purport to ship anything could derail your plans to instantly get your bike on the road by requiring you to disconnect the battery as well as draining the fluids.
Is their Shipping Method Open or Closed?
A motorcycle transport service will either employ an enclosed or open shipping method. The former involves packing your motorcycle within a layer of protective materials and subsequently keeping it inside a container. On the other hand, open shipping entails simply loading your motorcycle in an open-air carrier truck. However, open transportation could also involve crating the vehicle before loading it into a container. However, before opting for either of the shipping methods, it is imperative that you consider the price while ensuring that the service is worth the value of your bike.
What are their Shipping Options?
There are two choices available when shipping a motorcycle, namely terminal shipping, and door-to-door shipping. While the door-to-door transportation is convenient; however, most people prefer terminal shipping because it is less expensive and involves less travel distance as well as time consumption. Choosing terminal shipping will, however, require you to pick up your bike from the terminal right away lest you accumulate extra storage costs.
Do They Adhere to the Safety Provisions?
To eliminate the possibility of your shipment facing problems while in transit, you will want to ensure that your prospective transport services provider is fully licensed and registered. The FMCSA, (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) compulsorily requires every transport company to have a number from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Such information is available online, particularly at the FMCSA’s website.
What are their charges?
While price should feature last on your consideration list, you will want to get the cheapest deal while getting good value for your money. This can be achieved by asking for quotes from a variety of shipping companies and subsequently drawing a comparison between their offered services. More importantly, avoid going for the lowest bid; ensure that your prospective company has a reputation for giving timely services while complying with the relevant transport rules and regulations.
Getting your motorcycle delivered without damage and within the speculated time limit is critical for convenience purposes. However, no company is capable of giving you the exact time of delivery as it is dependent on traffic, weather and shipping route among other variable elements. However, contacting a reputable company like 1AAMotorcycles will ensure that your prized possession reaches your desired destination safely and without unnecessary delays.