Go Fast with Demon’s Drag Mode

Holla to all the car racers, big things are coming your way! Yes, as a lot of you may have the idea about the hints that are coming from Demon’s Drag Mode and its supper go faster techniques that allow going fast with Demon’s Drag Mode. Here we are discussing the latest coming ups and also the outcomes of what Demon invented in its new Drag settings and modes. So basically in the new series of going fast with Demons Drag Mode, there are a lot of Demon-only features that will blow your mind away.

Demons New Out Comes

In the new Demon Drag Mode, you’ll find a line lock, a quick supercharged engine’s cooldown mode, a data recorder. Moreover, there are step up pages to show a digital time slip with braking figures and acceleration, there is also a g-load plot, and lots of gauges to track levels.

A Line Lock

When we talk about drag cars, the first thing we think off is a Line Lock. Any good drag car has a line lock which allows the driver to lock front brakes and leave the back parts free to do a nice tire-warming. Now this will help to get the tires up to temp for a drag run.

Launch Control

Once the car racer done with warming up the tires, there is a Launch Control that helps thedriver to for racing. The Demon also provide with shift light in the cluster, so that the driver can shift points individually for each gear.

Cooldown Mode

A quick cooldown mode will cool up your car very quickly after every drag. It runs a cooling fan, some intercoolers, and coolant pumps until the atmosphere reaches its targeted temperature.

Performance Data & Tracking Record

There is a screen that shows performance data and car records. In addition, to track things, you can have all the track record with all of the outputs with different digital gauges. The tracker shows how you change the setup, how parts swapping affects other things and you can record every single run of yours.

Drive Modes

Demon offers three drive modes; Auto (Street Mode), Drag Mode and Custom Mode. There is also a red key to unlock the full output. Moreover, there are driver selectable items to lie power level, suspension, street response, paddle shifter activator, shift strategy and traction control.

So this is it all about the new go fast with Demon’s Drag Mode. The new demonis providing all the most wanted features of a good racing car with amazing technology stuff implemented and also with the most wanted dragging Modes. The amazing demon is here for one thing and that one thing is killing the quarter-miles.

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