Introducing the Progo 3000, the first propane powered scooter, which makes it environmentally friendly as well. It’s a break from the too overly hyped up electric scooters thought to be safer for the environment by providing alternatives to fossil fuels, but in the long run tend to fall short of the same. It took the Los Angeles Company Progo two years to get the scooter on the market suggesting that it was something of an uphill task but finally the market opened up to this innovative new product.
What Sets it Apart?
Its steel framework for ease of carriage and storing capabilities can carry loads of up to 200lbs in addition to its own. With that, you will also be acquainted with its 22cc four stroke engine, disc brakes and replaceable container with a capacity to store 14.40z of gas. Mileage on this motorbike is something from 42 to 68 kilometres and able to do a maximum of 40mph.
Now that we’ve been able to establish that the motorbike is fast, relatively easy to maintain and faster than your average electric motor or diesel-powered bikes, let’s highlight some of its key features that make it unique.
Propane-powered Engine
Propane is slightly cheaper than gasoline but the problem here is lower grade fuels which might damage the engine, let alone posing a threat to the question of its environmental friendliness are allowed in the market. Propane does not contain additives that boost octane number thus when burning it does not give off harmful emissions that pollute the environment. Owing to this Progo are EPA and Carb approved meaning owners in Los Angeles (where scooter riding is forbidden) can roll around in the park and skip through traffic whilst getting across town without the foreboding that their hassle free scooters are degrading the environment in any way. Emissions are barely noticeable.
Light as a feather
The motorbike is extremely lightweight; it is about 35 lbs. and the tyres tallying up to only 8’, its other features include thumb throttle, front-rear disc brakes and easy to pull start. The tank is also relatively easy to fill hence saves time in transit. There’s no stopping to recharge the battery every seven hours on this model because the propane tank has 48-68 kilometres on there.
Propane ranges from 98 -102 in regards to its octane level. This being the key to its next to zero emission level which kind of serves in its favour. Capacity is 1.25 quintals.
A quick overview of its advantages over electric scooters is shedding the idea of having to charge the battery for hours, replacing blown out batteries or propane cylinder is easy and quick. These features are sure to make it a welcome travelling companion for college students, couriers, environmentalists or leisure riders alike.
The general consensus of this review is that Progo propane scooter may very well have discovered an alternative fuel to electric and fossil fuel-based motor scooters and especially at a time like now when there is such heightened sensitisation on the need to switch to alternative sources of fuel. The electric scooter was lauded at its inception but the challenges that accompanied acceptance in the market other than the presupposed boast of it being completely emission free were that it took too long to re-charge. Plus, there weren’t that many electric motor charging stations to go around.
Propane gas is easy to get and it is found where it occurs naturally in reckless abandon, not to mention it’s cheaper.
The disadvantages of propane tanks are that gas-air ratio is less in a propane tank which checks the excessive output of power. The gas is required in larger volumes in the cylinder, gasoline requires very little tank volumes because of its liquid consistency, so with propane, you get more fuel consumption per unit distance. The difference here is in the tenth percentile, though.
If you’re looking for a way to travel faster and more economically on shorter distances, this amazing motorbike that runs on propane can actually make your life easier.