What Veritas Global Protection Says To Consider When Buying A Vehicle Service Contract

Vehicle service contracts are certainly taking the automotive industry by storm, thanks to their amazing and inclusive protection they offer car owners. At a time like now, when nearly everybody is going through serious financial challenges coupled with the ever-rising cost of car repairs, buying an auto protection plan from a reputable company is inevitable.  

You expect your plan to cover basic elements such as electrical wiring, brake systems, and steering for standard coverage. As you climb the ladder up the tier, you will expect additional coverage that has exhaustive coverage, including navigation and onboard electronics, among others. While higher-tier coverage plans are pricey, the good news is that the price is worth it. They come with things such as 24/7 roadside assistance, car rental to help you keep moving, and more.  Because most cars today feature complex fittings, they are expensive to fix, especially because they require only experienced mechanics and high-tech parts, which are costly to buy.


Flexibility of Contracts

Unlike most insurance policies, vehicle service contracts like Veritas Global Protection can easily be canceled or terminated, and refunded. Of course, you don’t want to purchase an extended warranty if it doesn’t provide an option of pulling out. If you buy a car and feel it is a necessity in running your business or facilitating your office work, you are going to find it necessary to buy a warranty that covers some of the most expensive parts or repair issues. However, if you have a bundled coverage plan, you will discover that canceling will definitely lower your principle instead of reducing your check. Ideally, your dealer will have the option of reducing the payment periods, but he or she will not reduce your monthly payments. 

Long-term Ownership

If your car already has many miles on it or if you feel you are a frequent driver because of the nature of your activities, or both, chances are you are going to want an extended warranty. The good thing about these warranties is that you can purchase them for greater mileage. Most used cars have thousands of miles on them, so having an extended warranty will be the best solution, especially if dealerships or insurance companies are unwilling to cover you fully. Of course, most aftermarket insurance carriers won’t accept to cover you. One thing many people don’t know is that extended warranties cost dealerships a base amount. 


While an extended warranty is becoming a popular auto protection option amongst motorists, it is not always the best move for every car owner looking for an extra protection plan. However, those who’ve bought it before say it is one of the better choices they’ve made. Therefore, if you are looking to purchase an extended warranty, find some time to comb through the internet to make sure whether or not the type of warranty you are considering doesn’t come with hidden charges that may pop up at the last minute or long after signing up for the plan.

Choosing Your Coverage

With a manufacturer’s warranty, you only get what comes by default with your car at the time of purchasing the car. This means your automaker doesn’t allow you to select what type of protection you want. After all, this plan comes bundled with the car’s price, leaving you with no room to make your own choice. What makes vehicle service contracts a preferred option is that car owners have the liberty to choose what they want when they want it and how much money they’re willing or able to pay while at the same time feeling secure. Many car users say this is what makes such a plan a great option. 

But the good thing is that Veritas Global Protection is there to help you make a sound choice that you will never have to regret years after signing up. For example, many third-party providers market their plans as the cheapest, yet they feature additional fees or do not cover what they purport to cover. Fortunately, Veritas Global Protection has a proven record for being a reliable company with a reputation of providing a one-stop solution to car owners looking to cover their used cars.