Purchasing your First Used Car

How to Know You're Ready to Buy Your First Car - ABC News

Before you go shopping for your first used car, you should be prepared to ask some questions. Before making a purchase, make sure that you have all the necessary information to ensure that you do not get a lemon or a car that does not suit you.

Here are a few things you might want to know before buying a used car:

Know your price range. To understand the expected price for a new vehicle, you must consider license plates, vehicle registration, taxes, and insurance costs. Many of these costs vary depending on the age and type of car you drive. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you go out and look at cars that do not fit your budget, it will make the cars you can afford will be pale in comparison. Also, to get the car you want, you can sacrifice quality and ultimately get a car that does not work as well as one that was in a given price range.

Before making a decision, take a look at least ten different cars in your price range. Take a friend or family member who knows cars to look at them and check each car. They will notice things that you or a machine buying a newbie may miss. Try your top three again. Be sure to ask all possible questions about the car, no matter how ridiculous they may seem. The question of how many previous owners were there, whether the accident occurred, and the damage was, whether the main parts were replaced or repaired, whether someone smoked in the car or anything else they want to know is a fair question.

Choose your car and get ready for negotiations. Most cars are priced to negotiate. Usually, there is an affordable price reduction of a certain amount so you should bargain. Again, take someone with you who is familiar with buying a car, and it will help you negotiate for the best price. Consider car air conditioning during the inspection. If a car costs more than a couple thousand dollars or even less, you might want the sale to go through a thorough inspection. You will need to include this check-in your budget, and it can cost you almost a thousand dollars. However, the headache and frustration that can save you are worth it in the long run.

Complete the deal and drive your new car. Try paying for your car with a cashier’s check rather than cash. This is the same, but leave a trail of paper. Make sure that you agree on everything, and you have a written invoice. You do not just want to get an agreement by word of mouth, because you do not have proof of sale or any changes that they agreed to make after the sale of the used cars in raleigh.


If you follow these rules and trust yourself to make the best decision, you should get a great machine that will serve you well.