A young mother said she believes herself as well as her toddler is very lucky when her car was besieged by irresponsible rock thrower in broad daylight. Lauren Mangelsdorf was driving home from her job on the Southern Expressway with her 2-year-old little boy in their car when rocks were thrown at her car from an overpass. A rock ricocheted and smashed into her windshield while she was driving at 100km/h.
No injuries
While she and her son escaped with no injuries, she said that she is a bit shaken by the whole frightening ordeal. She said that she has gone through all the ifs – “what if it had hit my windshield and I would have swerved my vehicle. What if it had come through the side my son was sitting on?” It might have been so much worse; it is not just games and fun. It is serious – someone will be seriously injured.
Austin, Texas USA
And people have been killed – In Austin, Texas in the United States the rock when through the driver’s side of the windshield and hit the driver on his forehead killing him.
Flint, Michigan
In Flint, Michigan, Kenneth White was riding in the passenger seat of a van on Interstate 75 just outside of the city limits of Flint, Michigan; someone threw a six-pound rock which sliced through the windshield, hitting him in the head and chest. This 32-year old construction worker was dead at the hospital. He left a 5-year-old son and a wife who was the love of his life.
All over the world
This has been happening in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries. My question is if this happened say to me – how much it will cost to get a windshield replaced and dozens of dents removed from my car.
Windshield repair
Detroit Collision Shop would do a good job on the windshield. It doesn’t matter if the windshield has a chip or is totally cracked, stop by and talk to them. They source windshields from a variety of vendors and offer both OEM and Aftermarket windshields depending on the customer’s preference as well as budget.
Dents in the car
For the dents in the car, Detroit Auto Body Repair can do the work. Many of the dents can be removed without traditional methods. They do paint-less dent repair services that save both time and money while still making the car look as good as new.
The Matrix Auto technicians are quite talented and have learned all the techniques that are needed to remove even the most stubborn of dents without doing any damage to the car.
Now the question is why these pranks are happening around the world and what can be done to stop them before more people are killed.